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Plymouth Community Homes (PCH)

PCH (Plymouth Community Homes) used high-resolution aerial images combined with the Trendspek platform to gain efficiencies for planned maintenance work across the high-rise elements of their large housing portfolio.


PCH is Plymouth’s largest social housing landlord with over 16,000 properties providing homes to over 35,000 people in Plymouth and the surrounding areas.

PCH are a leading social housing association with a focus on services and improving lives for people in communities.  They are committed to ensuring our existing homes provide excellent social housing for our residents, with social rents of up to 50% less than the private sector, as well as building more high-quality, affordable homes for rent or shared ownership sale to meet the local need.

PCH is also a commercial landlord with over 170 shops across the city

Their Challenge​

Drones enable a step change in the way that buildings and assets are inspected.

PCH wanted to improve the understanding of roof and building maintenance. Organisations responsible for a portfolio of assets in any sector could save time and money on inspections, make long-term savings through planned preventive maintenance (PPM), minimise working at height risks, and reduce disruption for residents and service users by using drones.  Our technology allowed the use of thermal imaging for example to identify water ingress on exposed elevations.


It was estimated that these remote inspections could provide more than 10x return on investment by enabling targeted maintenance in place of the extensive roof works which were previously planned

Drones enable assets to be inspected quicker, more safely and cheaper enabling better preventive maintenance regimes. RICs studies have found that planned preventive maintenance saves around 12-18% compared to reactive maintenance

PCH has limited experience with drones – this work showed how a range of stakeholders could easily benefit from them as well as improve trust in the technology

Remote viewing of assets via the Trendspek platform is a game changer – quicker, easier and defects can be easily marked-up

Other benefits are accurate CAD drawings based on the point-cloud produced by the drone data

Cost-saving, safety and efficiency benefits

Hours/days capture time*

Versus the traditional ground/roof-based data capture time of weeks or even months for large assets, saving days/weeks

De-risking data capture

Versus ground or rooftop inspections with ropes, scaffold and towers our aerial capture tools are “zero-touch”

Up to 80% cost saving

Versus traditional manual inspection costs by removing the expense of prolonged capture time, travel time and repeated in-person site visits

Fully digital remote inspection

Versus the traditional survey which does not “see” all of the asset from all aspects and elevations

Millions of data points

Versus ground/roof-based surveys with limited access and finite resolution, allowing pinpoint accuracy across the whole digital twin

3D interactive outputs

Versus the traditional 2D paper-based reports and images which have limited access, coverage and quality

*For areas up to 10,000 or 1ha – roof inspection image capture in one day. Larger areas of up to 100ha are for landscape photogrammetry in one day.

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